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West Virginia Department of Education

Adult Education

The WV Adult Education programs build skills for success by providing adults with the opportunity to acquire and improve functional skills necessary to enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs play an important role in fostering productive employment, effective citizenship, personal and family growth, self-esteem, and dignity for adult learners. (Read more information about Adult Education and locate classes in your county)

The West Virginia Department of Education’s approved high school equivalency (HSE) assessment offers adults a “second opportunity” to prove acquisition of the contemporary high school skills and life skills. To get started, locate the nearest adult education classroom and contact the instructor to schedule an appointment. To find an adult education classroom near you, visit and scroll down to the map.

WV AdultEd - Learn.Traing.Succeed.

Who is eligible?

Individuals eligible to receive services must be at least 16 years of age and not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law. Additionally, an eligible individual must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) be basic skills deficient, 2) not have a high school diploma or its equivalent, or 3) be an English language learner. Educational services are available at no cost to adult learners and are designed to meet the educational needs of each individual. Certified adult education instructors provide instruction.

How do I apply?

Visit the WV Adult Education website.

Call the WV Adult Education Hotline: