While education, experience, and technical skills are fundamental to performing a
job, employers also look for “soft skills” in their employees.
Soft Skills include:
- Enthusiasm and attitude - arrive early, stand out, show excitement about
the job, and take initiative
- Networking - reach out to family, friends, and others to expand your
opportunities and develop work relationships
- Professionalism or work ethic - have an organized resume, dress
appropriately, and turn off cell phone ringer while at work
- Oral and written communication - learn how and when to share ideas and
concerns appropriately, listen carefully, and ask questions
- Teamwork and collaboration skills - learn how and when to lead and follow,
avoid unnecessary conflict, and share the workload
- Critical thinking or problem-solving skills - use knowledge, facts, and data
to solve workplace issues
(Visit https://www.dol.gov/odep/documents/essential_job_skills.pdf for further exploration)